Well, Afraid of the Dark is out, and so far I am pleasently surprised by the reviews that it's getting.
I had the idea for AotD quite a few months ago, way before I considered submitting it for Halloween 08'. I was trying to think of something that was really scary, something that everyone could relate to, but I couldn't really think of anything. Then I remembered all those sleepless nights I had as a kid, and it hit me.
Anyway, I didn't actually work on it until the Halloween 08' contest started. I had to rush and cut every now and then, leaving me with little time to refine the art (something I plan on doing sooner or later). You would think that 2 years of 3D animation experience would have helped me with frame-by-frame, but as you can see, not so much.
When it was nearing completion, the only remaining work to be done was sound. If you played Dungeon Crawler, you know why this scared me. Luckily, I did a decent job of avoiding all but one necessary spoken line; I did you all a favor, believe me.
I think that I will do one more little short like this before I start work on any games, just to help refine my technique. I know I have a long way to go before I'm a great artist, but the way there is nothing to be afraid of...
That wasn't scary at all you pussy.
I take it you didn't like it then?